Selasa, 15 Oktober 2013

The Festival of Sacrifice

The Sacrifice of A Small Beauty        

By, Ismaeel de Silva Hijazi

The flower of a Mercy Raised Up
Destined to receive that golden cup
A draught of bittersweet you did sup
To rouse the heedless and lift them up

Dead before death
In your heart nothing left
Just the presence of His Breath
And to all men deaf

Can't they see, don't they understand
That this struggle not for who rules the land
What do you have to do with rocks, earth and sand
When all of you are in His Hand

They weep, they plead
"You cannot win, you can't succeed"
To them all you pay no heed
They can't follow where you lead

To the land, soil reddened now and then
To remind the souls of women and men
Of the sacred month day ten
Shadowed by this lowly pen.


In the remembrance of Abraham's and Ishmael's sacrifice...
Happy Eid ul-Adha

Dalam mengingati pengorbanan Nabi Ibrahim dan Nabi Ismail...
Selamat Hari Raya Idul Adha


"Neither their blood nor their meat reaches God, but what reaches Him is your righteousness..." (22:37)

"Daging unta dan darahnya itu tidak dapat mencapai Tuhan, tetapi yang mencapaiNya adalah ketaqwaan dari kamu..." (22:37) 

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